What is Favourite Brands?
Favourite Brands asks customers to be willing participants in personalising their brands' experiences. Just as Medium asks your genre preferences or Netflix gets smarter with recommendations, the more you watch. Favourite Brands lets customers create a foundation from which brand experiences can be built - enabling access to personalised products and content without needing a long-established history to do so.
How does Favourite Brands work?
Customers can select, edit and maintain their Favourite Brands via Profile Portal and in-store staff can reference customer favourites via profile views in Clienteling.
Stored "Favourite Brands" information can then enable:
- Personalised incentives and communications
- Tailored Product recommendations
- Better informed in-store staff
- Dynamic logged-in web views
- A deeper understanding of customer preferences
- Segmented customer groups
Talk to us about customising Favourite Brands to suit your needs.
When to use Favourite Brands?
Favourite Brands is an addition to Profile Portal progressive profiling cards - meaning customers can set and edit them anytime they're interacting with their profile.
Why employ Favourite brands?
Brand loyalty has to be earned customer by customer, a brands best customers want to share information that makes their shopping lives easier - things like not have to repeat themselves every time they're in a store, or remembering what size they wear or their payment information. If you want to remove friction from your customer shopping experience, create greater personalisation and employ progressive profiling than favourite brands is for you.